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Do Bucks Go Nocturnal, or Just Leave?

Did this happen to you this past hunting season? Before opening day you found a really good buck using your trail cameras, so you set stands, were all a-twitter—then never saw him again all season. Did you think you did something wrong, and forced him to go nocturnal? Maybe—but probably not.

Know-How: Backtrack a Post-Season Buck

We all know mature whitetail bucks can be elusive, even nocturnal, but when you track them just after the season you find how simply neurotic they can be.

Weigh the Odds in October

This is the deer hunter’s calculation. You ask yourself if there are low-impact entry and exit routes that will take you to and from a stand. Can you get a true wind in/near the buck’s likely bedding area? If you’re bowhunting, will you have to cut shooting lanes? Can you afford to risk making this buck even more nocturnal in October?

Deer Hunting's FAQs

As a blogger/editor/writer for the fine publications of the NRA, I often field and answer questions from deer hunters. These queries, like the hunters that ask them, come in all shapes and sizes.

First Look: WRC Active-Branch Mock Scrape

Wildlife Research Center has introduced the Active-Branch Mock Scrape Kit, allowing users to create an attractive mock scrape and interaction branch set up wherever desired.

Hunt Bucks as Individuals

Using his personal property as a laboratory to study individual buck behavior, the author has made some eye-popping discoveries. Even if the area you hunt is nothing like his, his findings might help you better understand your quarry.

Patterning a Buck? No Problem.

Trail cameras and other innovations have made patterning a buck easier than ever.

The Patterning Process: Part I

For Field Editor Bill Winke, patterning (or the attempt to pattern) is the most enjoyable part of the season.

10 Deer Hunting Tips to Take to the Bank

It took the author a decade to learn these lessons about when, where and how to hunt and kill big bucks. Some of them may not be big news, but any number of them should reveal something for anyone.

Make the Most of October Cold Fronts

It may start to feel like fall this month, but many deer hunters still find little to no luck in the woods. Here’s how to make the most of your time when the rut is still weeks away.

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