
Hunting Magazines and Shows to Remain Legal

United States v. Stevens resulted in a big win for hunters, trappers and any American who values his freedom of speech.

Inside the Hunt for Trophy Poachers

Law-enforcement officers confiscated 41 heads when they busted Wendell Taylor and Gregory W. Crockarell “trophy poaching” on Fort Campbell military base last year.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

Suppressing Suppressor Myths

Suppressors, commonly but less accurately called silencers or “cans,” have been commercially available since 1908. Unfortunately for freedom-and hearing-cherishing Americans, they have been demonized by the anti-gun media largely due to their portrayal as “assassin tools” in Hollywood movies. In reality, however, suppressors are common in other countries because of the vast benefits they offer shooters and hunters. Here are few common myths about suppressors.

Illinois Recommends Vomit as Rape Deterrent?

The Internet Rumor: I saw a post on Facebook recently that rather disgustingly illustrates that the Illinois State Police recommend that women vomit on attackers to thwart would-be rapists.

BullShooters Book Review: Essential Liberty

As an avid reader, I’m often frustrated that few, if any, novels tackle the issues that concern us as gun owners.

Where Criminals Get Their Guns

Across all media these days the information is far from accurate when it comes to the culture war waged against gun owners.

Do NRA Members Support an "Assault Weapon" Ban?

When data from a Bloomberg-funded poll suggests NRA members are against guns, it's time to investigate.

Man Charged for Hunting in Wal-Mart Parking Lot

Everyone's had it happen to them: You're out running errands or taking care of a chore in the backyard, and a whitetail (sometimes even a trophy-caliber one) casually crosses your path.

Trapping in the Land Between

Gene Garrett's passion is suburban trapping, and as it's becoming a more popular and lucrative pastime he shares his knowledge with the next generation.

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