
Make the Most of October Cold Fronts

It may start to feel like fall this month, but many deer hunters still find little to no luck in the woods. Here’s how to make the most of your time when the rut is still weeks away.

Cold Fronts are Helpful

This past week was characterized by a mid-October cold front that passed through much of the central part of the U.S. Buck activity really spurred up after the two weeks of warm days.

Gear Guide 2018: Hats, Gloves & Socks

We expect our gear to do what it was made to do, to hold up to the beating we give it, time and time again. Here are our hat, glove and sock selections for 2018.

Hunting Gear: Must-Have Outerwear for 2021

Here's a look at some of the most innovative new outerwear for 2021-2022 hunting seasons.

The Dreaded Duck Slump

We've all been there, when it seems no matter how hard you scout nor how promising a setup appears, the ducks are going to win.

15 Tips for Hunting Big-Buck Bedding Areas

Here are 15 ways to slip in undetected and kill that buck of a lifetime.

Your November Rut Playbook

Here’s a week-by-week guide to staying in step with the rut this month to up your odds of tagging the buck you want.

Shadow Hunter

Shadows can be your biggest ally or greatest curse, which makes managing them one of a waterfowler’s top priorities.

20 Common Deer Hunting Mistakes to Avoid

Bad moves work out sometimes, but that’s no reason to live by them.

Know-How: On-the-Fly Ducks

Not everyone has time to scout out killer locations prior to a weekend hunt.

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