
How to Hit More Ducks

Waterfowl season is just around the corner. Here are 10 tips guaranteed to make you a more skilled, efficient shot on ducks and geese.

Tracks Tell a Tale

Everybody makes a bad shot once in a while. If you haven't, you probably haven't been hunting a long time. When you do make a bum shot on a game animal, you have a responsibility to track that animal down and finish it.

How to Follow a Blood Trail After Dark

Bowhunt whitetails long enough and you’ll find yourself in a situation where you have to try and follow a blood trail after dark. After all, many good bucks do not make an appearance until it is almost too dark to see your sight pins. When you shoot them and they run off, you have to go find them. And while bloodtrailing is more art than science and each situation is unique unto itself, here are some rules that will help you quickly recover your deer.

Winchester Announces AA TrAAcker Shotshells

Winchester's revolutionary new shotshell loads will change the way you train with your shotgun.

Use Enough .375

Back when life was mellow, I read a book by Robert Ruark called “Use Enough Gun,” which pretty much describes it. Ruark also wrote “The Old Man and the Boy,” which should be required reading for every young person.

Surviving With Wolves

Wildlife managers, hunters, trappers and others are creating new frameworks to ensure there is room on the landscape for predators and prey.

Black Ducks in Peril

The Atlantic Flyway’s most iconic bird has dwindled to less than half its historic population. Will new research turn the tide?

Baltic Boar

More than an exciting challenge, a boar hunt in the forests of Lithuania serves as a not-so-subtle reminder that hunting is the gateway to adventure.

A Movie for Hunters Who Like Movies

It's no secret that Hollywood hasn't been much of friend to the American hunter in the last century. That said, if someone were to produce a modern hunting film, how would you want it to be done? Stephen Hunter has some ideas of his own.

The Real Story of America's Retriever

New discoveries separate fact from fiction regarding the history of the Chesapeake Bay retriever.

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