
When African Animals Attack

No other hunting destination on earth sees as many fatalities and injuries as Africa. Read the details of some of the Dark Continent's most vicious encounters.

It's Official: Dogs Are Smarter Than Cats

An Oxford University study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences settles an age-old argument: Dogs are indeed smarter than cats.

The Coyote Caller’s Playbook

Here the author offers up tips on how to lure in predators that have learned prey-in-distress calls are too good to be true.

Beat the Odds on Big-Game Tag Draws

Every hunter can belly up to the table where the stakes are America’s most coveted big-game tags.

We Are All Funding Anti-Hunting Groups

Extremist environmental groups often get their legal fees reimbursed by the federal government under the Equal Justice Act.

Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Wild Turkeys

The wild turkey has captivated (and baffled) hunters for decades. Here are seven things you probably didn't know about North America's largest game bird.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

Game Profile: The Wild Turkey

Find out everything there is to know about North America’s largest game bird.

Be a Hunting Activist

Invite your neighbors or your children’s friends. Live and save the outdoor lifestyle. The natural world is better off when we take part in it.

America's Top 5 Wild-Game Meats

We can win the hearts and minds of non-hunters by being outspoken and resourceful users of our country's renewable source of wild-game meat.

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