
Most Scrapes Aren't Worth a Sit

Scrapes are basically “points of interest” along corridors that deer travel at night. Scrapes that draw daytime visits usually offer added attractions.

10 Million Deer Hunters Roll Out for the Rut

This is a big deal. Work will wait, schools will close—all in the name of deer season. Can you feel the wind blow out of the northwest? It’s opening day.

How to Adjust to the Rut’s Phases

The rut calls for a series of adjustments. As the bucks change their behavior patterns, you need to be there waiting for them.

When to Get Out of That Stand

Sometimes deer hunters need to make something happen. Here’s when to get proactive and what to do.

Six Reasons Why Bucks Leave Their Sanctuaries

As late fall arrives and hunting pressure ends or declines, several factors combine to increase daytime deer activity.

Why Late-Season Deer Hunting Beats the Rut

Late-season bucks are simple to pattern. Spend your winter afternoons bundled up near a high-calorie food source, and you'll be piling them up in not time.

What Pressured Bucks Do

GPS tracking collars are revealing how bucks change their patterns when the hunting season starts.

Deer Hunting's FAQs

As a blogger/editor/writer for the fine publications of the NRA, I often field and answer questions from deer hunters. These queries, like the hunters that ask them, come in all shapes and sizes.

Field Logic GlenDel Pre-Rut

The Glen Del Pre-Rut has a 4-sided PolyFusion core and gives you seven times more surface area than any other target on the market.

Five Bizarre Bear Attacks

Frank Miniter, author of The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide, dug up these five bloody tales that prove anything is possible when it comes to bear attacks.

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