
Tips for Hunting Late-Season Squirrels

Turn a late-winter walk through the woods into a meal-producing venture.

Springtime Varminting

Spring has arrived, and, of course, we’ve got a forecast calling for snow. It won’t last, and soon temps will climb back into the 60s and perhaps the low 70s. A lot of guys are getting worked up in anticipation of turkey season. I’ve killed three turkeys, and while turkey hunting is OK by me, I confess that I am not struck with the turkey bug. What trips my springtime trigger is shooting picket pins (ground squirrels) and prairie dogs.

Are Windmills Killing Ducks?

Wind farms produce an increasing amount of the country's power, but how many migratory birds are lost in the effort?

How to Hunt Suburban Coyotes

Gas prices are up and the stock market’s down. Most of us are on a tight budget, but want to find some good hunting close to home that won’t push the fuel tab into three digits and keep us away from family and other obligations for days on end.

Gator Hunting in the Sunshine State

Alligator hunts can provide an opportunity to chase prey that can very much bite back.

Hogs From On High

Hogs continue to spread throughout the country, doing untold amounts of property damages—leading some hunters to take to the air in a control effort.

Duck Populations Hit All-Time High

We duck hunters are prone to irrational optimism. How else do you explain a group of people who can spend an entire day freezing our butts off in windy, pounding surf for just a duck or two (if we're lucky), only to go home, convince ourselves tomorrow will be better, and do it all over again? All we need is the slightest indication the duck hunting may improve.

Entry and Exit Strategies for Big Bucks

The route you choose to and from your stand can make or break a season. Bill Winke has some advice for selecting the best possible routes.

Did Coyotes Cause Spread of Ticks, Lyme Disease?

After Lyme disease reared its ugly head in 1975 and subsequently spread throughout much of the country, it changed how we care for our gundogs.

Lone Star Tick: Hoax, or Fate Worse Than Death?

Like most hunters, I pursue game not just for the thrill of the chase, but due to a love of meat. In a cruel twist of irony, spending time in the woods can put you at risk for a lifetime meat allergy courtesy of the Lone Star Tick bite.

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