
DU-Supported Bill Would Raise Duck Stamp Price

A Ducks Unlimited-supported Senate bill introduced last month could raise the price of a federal duck stamp for the first time since 1991.

Turkey Runs Off UPS Man

Some rather aggressive turkeys have been in the news lately, but this video, out of Minnesota, may be the wildest yet.

Deer Breaks Into Minnesota Home, Battles Owner

Any self-aware homeowner worries about the chance that a bump in the night could turn out to be a real threat. A Minnesota couple, however, recently had a run in with a different breed of intruder—a very lost deer.

What the 2014 Farm Bill Means for Ducks and Upland Birds

With passage in the House and Senate, the Agriculture Act of 2014—commonly known as the Farm Bill—has all but been signed into law. Here are the key ways that the bill benefits waterfowl, upland birds and other grassland- and wetland-dependent wildlife.

The Lion Rules Headlines

A petition by a coalition of anti-hunting environmental groups has led the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to study whether the African lion should be protected under the Endangered Species Act. An ensuing battle pits preservationists vs. conservationists.

NRA Awards $15,000 in College Scholarships

The National Rifle Association is pleased to announce the winners of its 2014 Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) Grand Scholarship.

Why Anti-Logging Policies are Killing Grouse and Woodcock

Meanwhile woodcock have annually declined 1.2-percent since 1968—that means 800,000 fewer male woodcock than in the early 1970's. What can be done? Kyle Wintersteen takes a closer look.

Giant Canada Geese: Our Greatest Conservation Story?

Given that the giant subspecies of Canada geese is now found in every U.S. state—often in nuisance-level numbers—it's easily forgotten that the world's largest geese nearly went extinct.

Companion Bills in House/Senate Would Raise Duck Stamp Price

The Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014, which has the support of Ducks Unlimited and Delta Waterfowl, could raise the price of stamps from $15 to $25.

Member's Hunt: Taste of Sage

NRA member Roy F. Heilman of Shoreview, Minn., decided to take advantage of a last-chance opportunity to hunt sage grouse with his trusted gundog, Johann. This is his story.

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