
National Hunting Debate: Why We Need to Win, Why We Will Win

Next week a lot of people who normally give no thought to hunting will hear reasoned arguments for all the good it does. A nationwide audience including representatives from the media, academia and public-policy institutions will be paying attention on Wednesday, May 4, from 6:45–8 p.m., when the syndicated radio program Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) hosts a live debate titled “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” at New York City’s Kaufman Center.

Attention Hunters: Vote Online Now to Protect Hunting, Then Tune in for Live ‘Hunters Conserve Wildlife’ Debate Against Noted Anti-Hunting Extremists in NYC on May 4

American hunters know their role in wildlife conservation is not up for debate—except on May 4 as two prominent hunting community reps take the stage against two fanatical anti-hunting extremists.

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