An Everyman's Option for Big Whitetail Deer

Using the information gleaned from prominent deer researchers and experts can help you find your own big-buck hangout to help you land the whitetail of your dreams.

The Pre-Rut Gamble

Are you good enough? That's the question to consider when hunting a mature buck while the canopy is still up and bright and the rut’s madness is still weeks away.

Weigh the Odds in October

This is the deer hunter’s calculation. You ask yourself if there are low-impact entry and exit routes that will take you to and from a stand. Can you get a true wind in/near the buck’s likely bedding area? If you’re bowhunting, will you have to cut shooting lanes? Can you afford to risk making this buck even more nocturnal in October?

The Rut Hunter’s Trifecta

Maybe you have a sure-thing rut stand, a place of your own where pleasant memories of big bucks tagged play in your head like a deer-hunting show marathon. Good for you. Now go away; this is for the rest of us who must constantly scout, look for new properties and put in the time for our dream bucks.

Know-How: Smart Plans for Rut Stands

To have the best chance at seeing a buck, you must stay in step with the rut's three basic phases when choosing where to place your stands and which days to hunt them.

What Pressured Bucks Do

GPS tracking collars are revealing how bucks change their patterns when the hunting season starts.

A One-and-Done Black Bear Hunt

A dog hunt for an Arizona black bear with a magnum wheelgun proves you can’t pack too big a punch.

The Mississippi Diversion

A coon hunt in the Deep South leads the author to reminisce about his youth in the Northeast, his first coon dog and more.

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