
Luck of the Tag Draw

Every big-game hunt is a great opportunity, but not every hunt will turn out as you hope, because getting lucky in the draw is just the first hurdle.

How to Fix Your Gun in the Field

Here are a few of the more common gun problems that can occur in the field and how to deal with them without ending your hunt.

BSA Contender

While BSA’s Contender series may not wow us with optical brilliance, they provide reliable shot placement and endurance at a great price.

Tips for Early-Season Waterfowl Hunting

No need to wait until the weather turns mind numbingly cold to take down some waterfowl—early season hunts offer abundant opportunity.

Tips for Storing Guns and Gear in the Off-Season

There are a few important steps every hunter should take now to ensure next season gets off to a good start.

Waterfowler Numbers Take a Dive

Recent trends indicate that waterfowlers are ditching their duck blinds for deer stands.

A Slug Gun for the Shotgun Hunter

Most hunters have a selection of shotguns, each for a specific season. But what about one-shotgun hunters that still want a slug gun? Are they doomed? Not today.

Last-Minute Bow Tweaks

Whether there's an equipment problem or a flaw in your technique, now's the time to get your shot dialed in. Here are a few of Bill Winke's personal tips.

Wade Like a Real Man

I needed a pair of waders. It was that simple. The water was so cold it made me feel like I had been digging in the ice-cold beer cooler at a weekend barbecue for more than five minutes with my feet (gross, I know, but follow me here), only I didn’t come away with a frothy beverage—just cold feet.

Remington Hypersonic Steel

Hypersonic's speed is due to its Xelerator wad. The primer charge pushes up the wad and payload, creating more room for powder to burn and expand.

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