Wolf On The Prowllede

U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Last week, the House of the United States Congress voted to end federal protections for grey wolves in the lower 48 states.

CBD Threatens Lawsuit on Wolves

On Wednesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent a notice of intent to sue to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), due to the hunting of gray wolves in Wyoming’s Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest.

NRA Joins SCI in Letter to Interior Over Gray Wolf Battle

Your National Rifle Association (NRA) has joined Safari Club International (SCI) and 22 other conservation organizations, representing millions of sportsmen and women across the country, in a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

Trump Administration Returns Management of Gray Wolves to States and Tribes

More than 45 years after gray wolves were first listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Trump Administration and its many conservation partners have announced the successful recovery of the gray wolf and its delisting from the ESA.

NRA-ILA Joins Colorado’s Stop the Wolf Coalition

The NRA supports the state’s professional wildlife managers over ballot-box biology of animal-rights extremists.

Ruling on Great Lakes Wolves a Starting Point for State Management

On Aug. 1, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., handed down its 54-page ruling on Great Lakes wolves: Gray wolves will remain protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and state management will not be allowed. While the ruling doesn’t immediately remove federal protections from wolves in the Western Great Lakes states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, the court’s decision regarding the important issue of a “distinct population segment” (DPS) is a win for sportsmen.

Court of Appeals Rules to Lift Federal Protections on Wyoming Wolves

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled to lift federal protections that kept gray wolves an endangered species in Wyoming, reversing the order of a lower judge that had sided with environmental groups in 2014.

Wolves Cause Canine Casualties in Wisconsin

When hounds and wolves meet, the outlook is usually grim—a fact not lost on Wisconsin bear hunters. But experts are baffled as to why so many hunting dogs were killed during the 2016 season.

Landmark Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act Passes out of Committee and Heads for Senate Floor Vote

Passing S. 659 out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Jan. 20 marked the final step needed to bring the full Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act to the Senate floor for a vote.


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