Night Chords: The Music of Raccoon Hunting

The chatter of hunters, baying of hounds, squalls of the critters in the trees: 'Coon hunting creates its own music.

The Mississippi Diversion

A coon hunt in the Deep South leads the author to reminisce about his youth in the Northeast, his first coon dog and more.

Run-and-Gun Coons

A good raccoon hunt doesn't just take place at night. The truth is, high noon can be just as effective—if you know what you're doing.

Night Shifts

It’s important to let the dogs do their thing, because without them and their zeal, hunters would fare poorly. Upland bird hunters and duck hunters know this. So do coon hunters, which are a breed unto themselves. Anyone can learn this if he or she passes just one night among them, for a coon hunt is always a work in progress.


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