The CEO of Remington Arms, Ken D’Arcy, says the company’s plant in Ilion, NY could produce various medical supplies if New York governor Andrew Cuomo requests aid from the company.
Per a letter D’Arcy sent to the governor on March 23, D’Arcy explained the company has 1 million square feet of unused space in the Ilion facility, which could be used if needed since the factory is shut down until at least April 30, to fall in line with Cuomo’s shutdown order.
“Remington stands ready to enlist in wartime production,” said D’Arcy’s letter, stating that Remington would gladly donate the facility to up production of ventilators, surgical masks, hospital beds and other equipment needed to combat COVID-19.
“This is in line with Remington to do something like this,” Ilion mayor Brian Lamica said. “They have always been there to help.”
Regarding Remington’s production of firearms, it’s unclear if firearm and ammo manufacturers are considered “essential.” Until those manufacturers are deemed essential, waivers must be granted to continue production. At the time of our reporting, Remington was in the process of requesting a waiver to allow the plant to continue manufacturing firearms for law enforcement and the military. For more information, click here.